1. Light roofed public structure in which gourmet cheeses are often consumed.
2. Term of endearment for an individual who has been helpful, particularly in an eccentric or unasked-for manner.
Now darling let's head over to the cheese pavilion, I hear they've some extra matured Blue Wensleydale there that's absolutely to die for!
Thank you William for so enthusiastically reciting the Zimbabwean national anthem thrice over to us all, you're a real cheese pavilion (who can stop now)
The act of pulling a woman's vagina apart the morning after sex to eat the "cheese" left over from the night before
I totally Arizona grilled cheese her dude
Something Jhon Deacon masters, its cheese on toast.
Girl: What is your favorite food?
John Deacon: CHEESE TOAST!
Refers to either of two strategies for reducing the distress/fatigue/boredom of performing an extra-disagreeable task; you either "layer" the labor --- i.e., perform a few minutes' work on the yucky job, then go do something else for a while, then return and work some more on the drudgery-task, then take another break with less-agonizing labors to again relieve your feverish emotional suffering, and so on --- like the cheese and lunch-meat in a sandwich, or else you "poke holes" in the disgusting task --- i.e., perform one or more smaller random bits of the job at a time as your gumption permits, so that the overall endeavor becomes more and more "fragmented and hollowed" (like the holes in Swiss cheese) as time goes on --- until the task eventually gets wholly completed by being gradually-but-steadily "chipped away at" over the course of a few days until it's all gone.
I soooo didn't wanna clean out all da musty crap in da storage-shed out back... the task seemed just too daunting and tedious to try to tackle all in one go. So I decided to Swiss-cheese the job instead --- just kinda "picking at the edges" of the jumbled heap over the course of a couple weeks --- and eventually I had the entire pile removed and the floor nicely swept out again.
Correct. Being in the state of correct; being correct.
Our peer’s test answers are slappin cheese.
The slapped cheese answer is on my paper.
Your Slapped cheese your answer is right.
Hey john do you want a cheese negger
John: what’s that
Jim: it’s cheese and a nigger so you want one
John: hell yeah
1👍 1👎
A blowjob that involves the shaft getting sucked with the continuous use of teeth involved. Up and down with TEETH.
Girl: Hey babe, I kinda wanna do cheese sticking this time
Guy: umm, okay. If you insist