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An outlet or hole where a hydrogen fuel cell car expels its water from, just like how the actual private part how it will expel pee from the body. By the way, Hydrogen cars release water as a byproduct of the chemical reaction that occurs in their fuel cells. In a hydrogen fuel cell, hydrogen gas (H₂) combines with oxygen (O₂) from the air. This reaction produces electricity to power the vehicle and generates water (H₂O) as a byproduct.

Have you ever seen my Toyota mirai expells water from its penis? It’s my little brother’s favorite feature of the car

by EMD F59PHI November 3, 2024


a long dangling object in between a man's legs that william strader doesn't have

Wow, that nigga hausman got no dick!

Look at my penis.

by westonthegangster999 October 8, 2021


The funniest word ever, will always make people laugh.

Guy one: penis.

Guy two: ha

by Beeboy7393 July 24, 2021


It’s a fancy gourmet dish in France that most people like; pronounced “Pee-ness.”

If someone were to ask you what’s your favorite dish/food, to sound fancy you might say; “Why I do love me some penis, I love to eat penis for dinner”.

by Pi’erre Dupont July 18, 2021


An object attached to the male body that ejects semen and urine. They all come in different shapes, sizes, and colors.

When a man gets into the shower, the first thing he "bathes" is his penis.

by Tsakri16 October 15, 2017


You looked this up because you were bored, didn't you?

Im bored, let me look up penis in urban dictionary

by Necroathedingleberry October 3, 2022


one inch wonder

damn zack has a one inch wonder

damn that’s a small penis

by ..idk_lmao__ August 14, 2021