Used when someone is annoyed at someone
Guy: Turns off light when someone is still in the room
Other guy: What are you doing?
An exclamation scientists from Half-life say from time to time.
Gordon: *hits scientist 1 with a crowbar*
Scientist 1: ARRGH
si stop taking you can’t tell me what to do so shut up
shut up you can’t tell me what to do
When you or someone else makes a claim of doing something that they clearly think is cool or clever and deserving of praise, but did so out-of-the-blue when nobody asked and it isn't really that cool or clever, then the appropriate response is to ask them 'if they want a cookie?' as a just reward for their deed.
Rwo friends watching a murder mystery show:
Claimant: I totally knew he was the killer like 20 mins ago..
Responder: Do you want a cookie?
When an asshole/piece of shit thinks he did something very admirable and he keeps being annoying about it. This response is used to display the emotion of annoyance and basically saying "do you want to be rewarded fucker"
Jack: Hahaha, I scored higher on this test than you.
John: Okay bitch, do you want a cookie or something