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Act like paul Sataday

Act like Paul Sataday is a New Zealand spin off of the American show Saturday night live. Act like Paul Sataday however does not have structured sketchs in place like Saturday night live does, it merely has a bunch of people in a room taking cheap shots of anyone near by with the name paul were they try act like them in a sarcastic manner. Act like Paul Sataday debuted to New Zealand audiences on Tv3 earlier this year, it recieved critical success in which it scored a nine out of ten in the Tv guide. It came as a surprise to many that it had more viewers than the other most viewed show in New Zealand "Outragous Fortune". With the new show having been such a success there a rumours circulating of a new spinn off called Act like Aaron August which is set to start shooting late 2010 and is set to air in August 2011. Act like Aaron August will be all through August as opposed

Act like Paul Sataday which is only on saturday.

** Example of a sketch on Act like Paul Sataday **

Boff- Im Paul and my cars Fucked without papers.

Aaron- Im Paul and I have crabs

Brian- Ill fuckn smash you if you do that again
Aaron- Im a minge
Boff- I Have facial herpes

by Roberto Fury September 8, 2010

Looking like Pedro

Word used for when someone is a mega simp and looks beautiful

Ex: "Bruh, do i look Dope?
"You're looking like Pedro"
"Thanks brother!"

by RaikouMaster21 April 22, 2020

Smells Like Homeless Fart

Used when something is extremely cool or really good and great.

Damn that’s a nice jacket bro !! It smells like homeless fart !

That movie we watched last night smells like homeless fart , it was extremely good bro.

by April 22, 2023

I like em younger

As young as possible

“I like em younger. As young as possible.”

by Ilikeemyoungerasyoungaspossibl May 2, 2024

like sugar in a colander....

when a massive crowd is funneled into a small passageway.

courtney kelly and michael mcswain are like sugar in a colander.....

by royal robinson August 5, 2011

Jammin' like 4-C

It's a term commonly used to define A person who is at the top of his game.

You need To start Jammin' like 4-C G.

by Thunder Crypt May 30, 2012

live like Steve

Verb / \ 'liv\ The act of purposely acquiring or purchasing clothing, jewelry or accessories for the sole purpose of satisfying the deep seated desire to be "Steve"

Greg: Wow, you just bough a new Rolex. That's same one Steve has.
Judd: Are you sure it's the same? I would hate to have the same watch as Steve
Greg: I'm nearly certain that's Steve's watch
Judd: Yeah, truth be told, I wanna "live like Steve"

by Lil Won October 12, 2017