Wives wear many hats and deserve to get paid. Give your wife money daily and everyone will be happier.
Happy wife, happy life. Celebrate National pay your wife day.
National fuck day is on April, 19th,its fun, you can fuck someone, yea that's it, have fun.
what the fuck? are you sick? its not a fucking real day!! go die in a fire you sicko if you think its real
person 1: "hey! did you know that june 21 is national fuck day?"
person 2: " go kill yourself bitch! its a stupid thing to believe!"
You can fuck anyone you want on the 18th of October and do it to where there satisfied
National fuck day is a national day you can fuck anyone and get away with it
Where you try and turn your partner on as many times as you can in one night put your skills to the test and do this challenge girls your pussy will thank you
Jen: did you hear it was national fuck day yesterday I turned my man on so much he loved that shit
Jens friends: wow I wish we were that good
National fuck day is October 8th and every body has sex
Montay: Roman I fucking today cause it’s national fuck day
Roman: same bros
a day where you can have sex with a guy without saying no homo
dude1 hey happy national fuck day. dude2 did you bring the condoms