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Shenae F

Shenae is an amazing girl, who u to to keep in ur life forever, she is gorgeous on the outside and is full of emotions. She is never afraid to say what she thinks, and will always be there for u whenever u need her.

Shenae F I said a wonderful girl.

by Mia-Grace July 15, 2019

Matthew F

A very shmexy boy

I love Matthew F

by Smexy Boy June 13, 2017

Triple F

Triple F is the cool name for the squad. The 3 Fs stand for Fat Fred Forever. Fred is a fat pigeon my friend found in New York, he was so sexy he needs to live on forever in hearts and memories.

Friend 1: Look at Fat Fred
Friend 2: We should make a sweatshirt about it
Friend 3: Omg that's genius!
Friend 2: Yeah we'll call it the Triple F squad standing for Fat Fred Forever

by BitchWithDumbDefinitions November 29, 2021

Henly F

Henly F, also known as Henly Furukawa, is a Youtuber who got banned twice, but kept going no matter what.

Henly F interviewed Borribo and it was such a good video!

by a weeabooo May 21, 2020

Jayveonna F.

There r no words to describe this beautiful girl

Jayveonna F. is a beautiful open hearted girl.

by lolgurl209 June 29, 2018


Fuck public education in America

Use f-pea when you went to a private high school and you know that public education in America is currently doomed to hell, doomed beyond repair.

by Sexydimma December 15, 2022

Ben f

A great friend who buys his friends food and always thinks about people if a friend had no money for food Ben f will buy food for them

Random guy:Hey did you here about Ben f
Adam:of course he would buy me food if I had none

by Adam likes ppenis April 28, 2019