When a video game company that made great games in the past thinks their next game will be a hit, no matter how troublesome development is. It seldom works.
Named after the practices of Bioware towards their more recent games.
CDPR raised expectations really high for Cyberpunk 2077, only for the game to come out broken. I guess they expected the Bioware magic to make it work just because they made The Witcher 3.
a gimmer that has magical powers descending from outer space
"hey man, did u see that magic gimmer the other day. fuck me he was magic"
Nitrous Oxide, as administered at the dentist's office
I was afraid of the dentist until he offered me the magic nose.
A type of spliff made using a small amount of leftover weed and/or kief mixed with a healthy amount of tobacco.
Primarily made from tobacco with at least a 75:25 tobacco:weed radio.
“I’ve got a bit kief in my grinder, let’s roll a magic fag”
mag⋅ic milk⋅y maj-ik mil-kee
–adjective, magic milk, magic leche.
1. of or like milk, esp. in appearance or consistency, yet with magical qualities.
2. white or whitish in color. But magic can turn it into any color.
3. used to make children feel better, when in pain, or as a distraction. Can also be used as nutrient.
4. the motherly art of producing a desired effect or result through the use of lactic incantation or various other techniques that presumably assure human-motherly control. Pretty much, it will keep your kid from crying. :)
children feel better with magic milky, to lament what cannot be changed or corrected, can in fact be corrected with Magic Milky.
-example: Ava's angst was diverted with the use of Magic Milky, after receiving her painful immunization shots.
A combo move in the bedroom that includes performing the houdini and then finishing off with a jelly donut
She kept complaining that I never cook so during our saturday morning bang i faked my load then blasted her face and punched her in the nose; "enjoy your Magic Breakfast babe".
An illusion.
Michael: So, this is the magic trick, huh?
Gob: Illusion, Michael. A trick is something a whore does for money... or candy!