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hershey's hug

when someone ejaculates in a another person's rectum and pulls out so rapidly that said person defecates both ejaculate and feces all over him/herself

I gave Ellen such a good hershey's hug last night that she had to buy new sheets.

by Charlie's Chocolate Factory012 November 22, 2009

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anal hug

when someone gives another's hug and grabs their buttocks

when mitchel saw Lauren he gave her a anal hug

by mitchelconlonlikesmen November 29, 2015

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Tonsil Hug

Suburban slang for a blowjob

Come over here and give me a tonsil hug baby.

by DemonSkye November 21, 2008

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Jug Hug

When one, usually a male, hugs a woman who he thinks is hot and presses her breasts against his body/face.

"Dude, I totally saw Morgan yesterday! She's so hot! I just had to jug hug her!"

"Nice man!"

by coolkidd1233 November 14, 2011

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Hood Hug

When a male is walking with his female partner(girlfriend, wife, prostitute, etc) and his arm is draped across the back of her neck allowing the hand being suspeneded, free to chunk deuces, gang signs, or any other obvious sign, thus still showing love for his girl and never losing swagger.

I saw a man and a women walking down the street. At first I thought they were friends, then I noticed his arm around her, and his hanging hand in constant motion to every friend who walked by. I then realized the were locked in a hood hug.

by The_Dirty_Panda November 19, 2010

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Genital Hug

Term used to describe sexual intercourse.

Sex, AKA a genital hug, is a wonderful thing.

by Anonmouuufucks May 15, 2010

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Gillian Hug

The absolute best hug in the world, from the most beautiful girl in the world.

"Man, I wish i had a Gillian Hug right now".

by betabluecat February 19, 2012

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