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Zombie ad

When the girl you are fucking and gives out and stop's putting in effort.

Girl totally gave up, became a zombie ad

by Shehowlsatnight July 4, 2018

ad-verse possession

A legal term for when a self-proclaimed "servant of The Great One" mails out Good-Book-passage-laced flyers touting his beliefs, then uses said Bible-blabbing junk-mail to lawfully take possession of one or more dwellings or other valuable objects, particularly those owned by "blindly faithful" people who never interfere with anything that they naively view as being "of divine origin".

I always just write "REFUSED --- RETURN TO SENDER" on any ecclesiastical ephemera I receive, to hopefully avoid any future problems with attempts at ad-verse possession.

by QuacksO January 9, 2020

"alternatives"-ad fury

The near-maniacal rage you feel when an online vendor/advertiser off-handedly remarks that a desired product/content is no longer offered/available, and then adds insult to injury by cheerfully cajoling, "But no worries --- check out some of our other awesome products/services, like these!", causing you to just wanna smash yer fist right through the screen in resentful frustration, since whatever "substitute" profferings they are showing you have virtually no resemblance whatever to what you were looking for and would certainly not be anywhere near as satisfying; it's almost like they're presuming to imply that THEY know more about what YOU want than YOU do YOURSELF!

Counsellor, sympathetically consoling a late-teens client who is practically climbing the walls in tearful frustration from having been cheekily offered "Super Mario" by an online-gaming website when he'd wanted to play a round of "Spy Hunter Classic" after a long day at high school, just as he'd been doing every evening for the past two years: Ah-haa --- sounds to me like a classic case of "alternatives"-ad fury --- I so totally "get ya", Young Man, and I don't blame ya one bit for feeling this way... a lot of companies sure don't consider what their customers truly want whenever they"update" their offerings, do they? Reminds me of a couple of local radio stations back when I was around your age --- all of a sudden they stopped playing their traditional soothing '60's 'n' '70's easy-listening music in favor of pop-bop and country-crap --- a LOT of adult-listeners were REALLY bummed out about that! Why, I myself STILL sorely miss that wonderful music almost thirty years later!

by QuacksO July 13, 2018

Ad Hominem

Woke person's form of argument

Woke people always get pissy during an argument and resort to Ad Hominem attacks. It is like debating children.

by Eddie the Head April 11, 2023

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ad raped

When you're trying to download something but the shady link start spamming ads at you.

"I was trying to download some movies but I got ad raped instead."

by PineappleLimonov March 25, 2019

Ad Discordium

If you only debate on discord.com, you will automatically lose, if it’s activated.

I invoke Ad Discordium, go get a life.

by SkullKr0ncher January 28, 2023

Ad Nobilis Fallacy

The Ad Nobilis Fallacy is when a retard tries to say something but he/she is dismissed because they're retarded.

John: "Your idea is not good."

Jacob: Stop, you just committed a Ad Nobilis Fallacy"

John: "What is that.."

Jacob: "Look it up, and when you come back I'll be waiting."

by aros828282 May 30, 2023

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