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toddlers breakfast

The result of a particularly messy sexual endevour

I smashed your mum last night, by the time I'd finished she resembled a toddlers breakfast

by TheFerretsWheels March 16, 2016

Beatnik's Breakfast

A pot of coffee and a joint, food optional. How the average Canadian under 50 starts the day.

"I'd have never got through Monday's shift if I hadn't started off with a Beatnik's Breakfast."

by Cardboard G June 7, 2014

Breakfast Whore

One who fucks for breakfast.

Friend: dude the girls here are so easy.
Me: Yeah? So what, you buy them breakfast and fuck them for the rest of the day?
Friend: ya man. I call them breakfast whores

by Hamtaro the pimp August 11, 2010

Public breakfast

When a male on the toilet is shitting, he runs outside with shit sticking half-way out his ass, and screams, "LOOK AT MY BREAKFAST!"

Yesterday, I did a public breakfast, and it fell out.

by Thethekvr April 2, 2014

Denny's Breakfast

When you wake up the next morning after being intimate with your loved one, you take pure egg yolk and pour it in a mug filled with yellow urine, microwave for thirty seconds and lightly wisk, then serve to your loved one with with toast and bacon.

Bill Clinton serves a Denny's Breakfast to people who return the favor.

by Denny's Delight August 27, 2010

breakfast mom

It's when you are drunk in bed in the morn and you be all like - I NEED BREAKFAST BUT MY FACE IS DRUNK AS FUCK. You pine for a mother figure who doesn't exist and you begin to question the path you've taken in life.

Yes, this is steve. No, I've got a breakfast mom going on, sorry.

by maxkappe October 2, 2014

Tradies breakfast

A breakfast diet consisting of a caffeine drink such as a convince store iced coffee or energy drink and a cigarette.

This weeks been hectic had a tradies breakfast every morning.

by Tyrus05 September 17, 2022