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clap daddy

a pimp, whos got the clap aka clamidya

dont get a ho from that pimp hes a clap daddy,so you know all his hoes be sick too

by taterheaded irish dude January 10, 2011

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Meat Clap

When a male steps out of the shower and his meat claps against his leg.

"Nolan Fillet told me a really stupid story about meat clapping.
I then later tried it for myself and IT WORKS!!!"

"I swear i could just stand here and clap my meat up and down all day long."

by The Lone Boner September 1, 2009

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blackberry clap

The act of clapping while maintaining a full and secure grip on one's blackberry mobile device between two fingers exposing the palm for a full clapping surface area.

Fred: hey man... I don't want to be rude and not clap but I'm in the middle of defining a word on urban dictionary on my crackberry!

Bob: dude... Just do the blackberry clap. Everyone knows it. And if you don't, learn it!

by Reggie squared May 25, 2007

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Clap in the ass

To have gonorrhea in ones ass.

I'd love to be fucked by you but I have clap in the ass. How long does that take to go away?
-- The joy of gay sex

by Chris Tredwell July 4, 2006

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Cheeks clapped

A term made popular by former prison inmate "Big Herc" to define male penetration into another male where the butt "cheeks" make a "clapping" sound.

Judge: You still have 20 more years.

Tekashi: Cardi B is also Nine Trey blood...

Big Herc: Boy sure gonna get his cheeks clapped now!

by BigBoss76 December 25, 2019

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Golf clap

The golf clap is considered the most sophisticated clap of American culture and is normally associated with the upper classes. It is unusual in that it is preformed with a bit of reservation and thoughtful rhythm, unlike other claps which consist of haphazardly flailing obese arms in hopes that the palms occasionally make contact to produce the loudest noise possible.

The golf clap is usually preformed after American high society pastimes such as ruining the global market, sending poorer Americans to kill as many brown yuropians as possible, and ingesting near lethal doses of cocaine over brunch.

Renowned American stateswoman Sarah Palin preforms a golf clap after taking out wolf packs and moose herds with missiles from her Apache hunting helicopter.

by Eutectic September 10, 2012

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Golf Claps

Enthusiastic, but subdued applause for a job well done.

Mom: "I finally learned how to add friends on Facebook!"
Me: "Golf Claps for Mommy!"

by lastdayofmagic March 3, 2010

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