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Covfefe was first used in a Donald Trump tweet which has since been deleted. It seems to mean something like "cough-cough-bs."

Don't believe anything that fools tells you! He's full of covfefe.

by cjmoles June 2, 2017

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What your doctor or physician prescribes if you have a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)

Ask your doctor if covfefe is right for you.

by Barney Gumbo August 1, 2020

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A private word for penis.

Melania please help me find my little covfefe, it's list again in all this fat.

by Nurse really June 1, 2017

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Hebrew word meaning 'Cash Register'. When tweeted by Donald Trump in 2017, it was mistaken as a typographical error. It was actually a grammatical error.

"Despite the constant negative press, covfefe."

Translation: "Despite the ongoing negative publicity, Ching Ching!"

by ItsACoincidence June 2, 2017

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A "covfefe" is a Russian condom, these condoms are useless.. just like how they've proven Donald Trump is a turd.

Vladimir: "Svetlana, you need to wear a covfefe before we back i to each other.
Sventlana: "Oh, I won't forget my covfefe... "


by TrumpsEyebrowsAreUglyAF2017 May 31, 2017

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When the molly kicks in

When the molly kicks in covfefe kicks in

by dreammerchant May 31, 2017

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trump: oh SataN, i NeEdS tO spItS oUt OnE oF ThEm SpIcEr'S mEmE.
satan: kay, just stop typing wierd/
TrUMp: No, I nEEDS THem SpICy memes. i neED That press covfefe!
lightbulb suddenly shines
satan: there you go
TRRRRRRUmPPP: tesb eht er' uoy natas sknahT

when you need a new meme about yourself, you sh*t out new memes like f*cking covfefe.

americas screwed. the f*cking world is screwed

besides Canada

by tadashi fukushimatadt June 1, 2017

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