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Craig Dawson

The sexiest man to ever grace the planet and also the best footballer ever. He makes any woman as wet as Millwall tears when he walks past

I love Craig Dawson

by Daddy Dawson15 August 22, 2022

Craig Steadman

The most ultimatest of studs. It is commonly stated than more people find a ‘Craig Steadman’ more attractive than the likes of Ryan Reynolds or Pedro Pascal.

Lads, did you see Matthew. He’s such a Craig Steadman

by dylan.is.a.fitty May 13, 2023

Blake craig

Dumb and gay will normally have a relationship with his math teacher

Your a Blake craig

by Babsbabbsbsn August 24, 2018

Mrs Craig

A annoying bitch

Oi mrs Craig got me a detention

Ha you got craiged

by Lucas bezo August 8, 2019


a little black book containing phone number of every craigs-hook you have ever had

having a craigs-book doesn't prevent you from getting married; you can keep your craigs-book as a trophy from your bachelors days

by Sexydimma March 21, 2017


The little black book that contains the name and address of every craigs-hook you have had

Keep your craigs-book as a trophy, even of you get married

by Sexydimma March 22, 2017


a little black book/notebook containing the address/phone of every craigs-hook you have ever had

having a craigs-book doesn't prevent you from getting married. i even know a life-long bachelor who would keep a craigs-book as a trophy.

by Sexydimma December 31, 2015