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Digging armadillo

When you put her in between the mattresses and stick it in her ass. And she starts digging.

I put her in the digging armadillo last night.

by jandbforever December 11, 2021

Fair dig

A term from Belfast N.Ireland used to tell someone you want a scrap.

"Oi mate giz a fucking fair dig. I'll knock your cunt in"

by Ur dah sells avon June 2, 2024

Super Dig

For when your really diggin it.

"hey you diggin ty" "nah dude like the complete opposite of super dig".

by Evan19 August 4, 2008


A dig ass is a stupid or moronic person who doesn't accept other views other than theirs.

"A: I think Breaking Bad is the best show ever"
"B: No it's not its overrated"
"A: What is the best show then?"
"B: Not breaking bad!"
"A: Man your such a fucking dig-ass"

by chumps12 March 8, 2021

shallow dig

(verb) to do something lazy or half ass or to not peform 100%... in any situation or on any occasion.

The other night I was hammered, and I took this female home, and, I was so hammered that I had to give her the shallow dig.

by Tha Blakness May 21, 2011

Shin dig

A party which on the other side you find the quaker in the room take a serrated blade and you cut their shins open and I hope that you obtain Their leg quakes for yourself

Mike I was there Mike I was there at a shin dig they took my leg quakes on the other side I swear I have this horrible scars and they won’t scathe

by Pussyliquer September 24, 2021

Digs (d^S-)

A unit of measure derived from the decibels of a woman’s moaning (d) and the Squirtage (S-)

She was up to 10,000 Digs (d^S-) ! I must’ve really been diggin in her!

by Beesey Churger December 31, 2025