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Axis of Evil

The hypocrytical -------- that think they're clever with their over-used anti-Bush and US statements.

See also immature, unintelligent.

by Shortass August 1, 2003

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evil clowns

evil clowns are people who would b talkin 2 on the phone one minute... and later that nite he will rape u....
they also have tiny dicks

girl:omg it really it tiny!
girl:omg get this evil clowns off me!!

by some gal April 11, 2008

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resident evil 4

One of the best Gamecube games ever. It's the best Resident Evil game so far. It star Leon Kennedy on a mission to rescue the president's daughter. If you have a gamecube you should go out and buy it right away. If you have a Playstation 2 you can buy it in a few months. If you have an X-Box you should get one of the other video game systems just to play this game. It is so worth it.

Resident Evil 4 is amazing. I love it.

by Johndis January 17, 2005

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resident evil 5

The fifth game in the series (not counting spin offs)

This game is heavily being accused of being racist.

Black guy: Damn cracka this game's fuckin racist, a steroid pumped white male shooting skinny diseased blacks?

White guy: Dude chill the fuck out, Resident Evil 5 is the first game in the series to have dominately black enemies, and I tell you there've been quite a few Resident Evil games. Also you guys says you want to be treated equally? Well guess what, whites are getting blown up in a lot of games, so you guys should be too if you want to be treated equally!

by Kim Vinsted August 4, 2007

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evil tyrannical company

A company bent on nothing but evil and greed, with no morals or sanity. see 4Kids

4Kids is an evil tyrannical company!

by ShinaGami October 13, 2005

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the lesser of two evils

when one is presented with 2 bad choices. the person chooses the one that has less of a consequence.

my mom wanted to buy a pack of cigarettes but i didnt want her too. it was either
1.) i let her drive drunk to get them herself
2.) i get her the pack of cigarettes
i chose to get her a pack of cigarettes because it was the lesser of two evils

by Rocky.L July 23, 2008

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giving me the evils

Giving someone the " evil eye". Looking at someone in a way that makes them feel scared, guilty or patronised

He saw me steal the burger last night. He's giving me the evils

by crae November 18, 2013

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