A game that retarded 8 year olds play. Fortnite is also known for giving people the infamous disease ligma.
Autistic Kid: Hey man wanna play Fortnite?
Smart Kid: Nah that’s games for babies you retard.
Autistic Kid: Yo wanna see me floss?
Smart Kid: Im gonna throw up.
a game for people mostly boys (that plays it to death )who won't pay attention to their girlfriends so the break ups happen in 2018👍💔
Justin: babe I'm playing video games can u stop distracting me?
Alexa: your always on that game of fortnite u acting like its more important than me
Justin: it is.. Sorry but can u get me something to drink?
Alexa : yeah ...drink your ass down the stairs bc we done bye!
A free game with a payment required to unlock, or a free battle royale mode, it has about the same amount of players as there are virgins in the world. It features cosmetics which is where most of the enjoyment comes from
Yo, why's jimmy still inside?
He's trying to get to teir 100 in fortnite in 2 days
The current cancer of the internet
Person 1- Fortnite is ass
A 3rd person shooting game where sweats that snort cocaine build a tower in 5 seconds. and little kids wont shut the fuck up about