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Grant....what a character. But the kind of character they put in to make the 7th grade boys laugh. Nothing comes out of his mouth but gay jokes and laughs that sound like a dying ass. He has a big one too.

I've got to admit though, this boy is a chad. He's got a muscular bod that he kisses in the mirror when his sister isn't home. And when she is. He's pretty good at soccer....because he's gayer than Lil Nas X. But, like Lil Nas X, he's pretty cool, even if it's obnoxious.

"Is Grant coming over?"
"Yeah, cover your buttholes."

by Oogway's Shaft December 9, 2021


A man with a massive penis with a red knob. So massive that it makes Hulk Hogans arms look like tic tacs.

Girl: Bob has a Grant and I like to ride it all night long

by Dutch Trouble June 13, 2023


A man who advances the homosexual agenda

God. Grant is really out here with the gays.

by Woowawoowa March 28, 2022


Pulls girls named Maddie

Grant pull a girl named maddie

by ethan672 February 28, 2022


Usually a male. Usual profession is an Instagram model in LA.

She got 5 million followers on Instagram, she must be a grant

by jakepauler2010 March 2, 2019


A guys that definitely doesn’t slam dirties and a guy that definitely doesn’t send it

Dude you’re a grant

I fucked banged Samantha

by I banged Samantha January 31, 2019


A grant is someone who is a great friend, but sometimes they can be assholes. They think they are funny but in reality they are not. Overall grants are great friends

You are grant
Fuck you

by Drodimo April 6, 2021