The excuse that chey and I use in order to not give Jenna Galasso homework that she never does.
Jenna: can I have the math
Me+chey: I’m not home
A person who wants to become a vegetarian but loves meat too much to give it all up right away. They start eating vegetarian meals at home slowly to build up the willpower to give it up all when eating outside with friends and family.
Sam is eating those damn burgers without even looking up!! He must be a Home Vegetarian.
Someone who devours meat when they are out-n-about but eat mostly vegetarian meals at home.
Let's order some juicy steaks and burgers tonight. Oh wait! add something vege for Sam. He is a bloody home vegetarian.
Irish term for the house one grew up in, in contrast to the house they now live in
He lives in a new house he built beside his home house
A waffle house that ascends from the level of a mere house to a home through excellent service and amazing waffles. This distinction is most often granted between the hours of midnight and 4am, and nearly always by drunk teenagers
“This waffle house is more than a simple house, it’s a waffle HOME.”