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Spare Change Hooker

A low class whore, raking in the pennies like an 80's arcade machine.

Also refered to as a Spare-Changer.

Guy 1: Holy crap, man, her skirt's so short you can count all the babies she's aborted.
Guy 2: That's a Spare Change Hooker if I ever saw one.

by Pineyappul September 20, 2008

Ring Around the hooker

Is a phrase used in online gaming when "men" flirt with naive women online. This is most noticeable when a woman does something otherwise not funny or unique and a guy will laugh.

(Guy) to (Girl) ZOMG you just shot that guy!!! hahahaha. Thus, "ring around the hooker."

by SpecAgentWhite September 21, 2011

Swedish hooker breakfast

Noun/ Verb .: The act of consuming Gevalia brand cappuccino coffee, and a cigarette of any brand in the place of a healthy and nutritious breakfast.

Guy 1: Hey, Hans, do you wanna hit up Wally Waffle for some hearty breakfast?

Guy 2: Nein, ich hatte schon eine Swedish Hooker Breakfast...

Guy 1: Way to go for a healthy breakfast you slutty European fruitcake. Are you trying to piss off Tony the Tiger?

by Cryzak October 13, 2013

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Cock Face Hooker

One who gets paid to have someone smack them in the face with a cock.

I seen Melissa last week, she's a cock face hooker.

by Melissa's mom March 10, 2010

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san juan hooker

A yummy shot. Undressed tequila chased by a shot of dill pickle juice.

I enjoyed lots of San Juan Hookers at the bar!

by Sooner Brat December 7, 2013

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School Gate Hooker

A female parent who turns up to collect their offspring, or to school functions, wearing clothing and/or make up more sutible to work a shift in a brothel/as a streetwalker, than being round children.
It is to be presumed the intention of this is to atract attention, either from male partents, or teenage boys, to try and make themselves appear more attractive than the other females present. Often looking citoreinextremis.
Hallmarks of the school gate hooker are: high heeled thigh boots; micro mini skirts (esp if in P.V.C or leather); long, non child friendly finger nails, painted in 'hooker red'; unsuitable jewellry/accesories; over exposed clevage/breasts; trashy make up; smoking in inapropriate places.

Often school gate hookers behave in an overly flirty manner, sometimes inaproptiatly with adolecent boys, and are later heard bragging about how how the recipitant was 'all over them'; 'couldnt take their eyes off them'; 'will be masturbating later, with them in mind'

She was hated by the other mothers, avoided by all but the sadest single fathers and embaressed her own offspring, but the school gate hooker still spent as long getting dressed up to do the school run as she would for, yet another, diasterous date.

She make an quite an impession at the school xmas play, in fact quite a few of the other parents asked the school gate hooker if she had just come from/was going straight to work after the performance, and she never once realised they were making fun of her, being more concerned with the attention she was recieving.

Despite spending 45 minutes in preperation for her entrance, and blantently waving her latest model mobile phone about, the school gate hooker had no friends, was habitually single and was laughed at by the teenage boys she was so desperatly trying to impress.

by snaketattoo13 January 28, 2011

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99 cent hooker

One cheap ass hooker.

Guy- How much?

Hooker- 99 cent baby.

Guy- Hell yeah I caught me a 99 cent hooker.

by Rbomb04 June 17, 2014

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