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ice grillin

To stare at an individual incessantly. Previously known as maddoggin and meanmuggin, commonly used by haters as an outlet of (often vindictive) attitude.

Dem haterz need 2 stop ice grillin a brotha just cuz I'm da
flyest pimp n da hood

by co'caine April 3, 2007

46๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ice Cube

The baddest of the badass rappers.

Ice Cube is to rap, as Chuck Norris is to life.

by TheAwesomeSauz August 23, 2010

37๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

ice breaker

something which can break the ice, i.e. something to focus on to start a conversation, in order to prevent any awkwardness in a social situation

I really loved that girl's feet, they were so hot, so in order to keep looking at that beautiful sight, I figured a good ice breaker would be the tattoo she had around her ankle.

hmmmm....wonder if she ever suspected what I was REALLY interested in....? :)

by Robbie June 3, 2007

288๐Ÿ‘ 136๐Ÿ‘Ž

ice t

most hardcore rapper that ever lived...then all of a sudden sold out and is now an actor on tv....

still one of the best though

no one ever talks shit about ice t

my fav ice t song is cop killa...yeah!!

by blba222 October 29, 2007

319๐Ÿ‘ 154๐Ÿ‘Ž

Vanilla Ice

1. Vanilla Ice was not the first white rapper - there was at least the Beastie Boys before (and much better and arguably authentic)
2. You don't rip off on the track for a rap song because it is generally based on other tracks - originally it was by mixing records (as in the Sugar Hill gang) and then it was sampled - when "Ice Ice Baby" was done there were still lots of problems about copyright of the original sampled tune (notably with James Brown who everybody used)as the music industry hadn't quite come to terms with the music. A lot of them only came to terms with the original musicians if their song became a hit
3. Crap record but he did try to do it properly - it is probably as much the music industry's fault as his that it became a hit as they weren't exactly into promoting balck hip-hop or rap acts who were much better
4. Wiggers pre-dated him - white rastas pre-dated him - Ahmet Ertegun pre-dated him - what's the problem?

Vanilla Ice is silly

by Blungblown November 28, 2005

129๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

college ice

slang for the beer natural ice. Natural ice is a favorite of many college students because of its low price

by REED January 30, 2003

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

naddy ice

Natural Ice...
a really nasty cheap beer
that gets you drunk really fast.

usually the only stuff the hobos
can afford and come in large cans

yo man lets party...

dude all i got is naddy ice..

thats all right bro i got some
captin in the trunk


by nonametosay March 29, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž