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very big and poopy. he smells liek poopies

isaac is so poopy lmao

by feahsfjaksfhaeosjifaweiof November 2, 2020


An Isaac is usually pretty chill but In some cases you will find that special one and that is our Isaac in this connotation. Here we see an Isaac who is fun at first sight but once you see through his ploys at attention you’ll find his true self. Isaac isn’t necessarily a SIMP, an F Boy, or even a womanizer, but he comes dangerously close to each and dare I say is a combo of all three. This Isaac also takes pride in the fact that he can’t act in a publicly respectable manner. He likes to try to be cool and act tough and funny by flexing his stupid job that nobody cares about to insult people with a life. Isaac also likes to act in a manner of high swagger by showing no respect to anyone unless it’s to their face (he may not even respect them in that instance if women are involved.) Isaac basically has no need for women other than to use them for his own interest and pleasure and then throw them away or insult them for fun and pretend to care by flirting. In the end this Isaac is an Isaac that you don’t want to be around with his disrespect for you grouped with disrespect for women and soiling of fun.

In class

Bro 1: dude maybe we’ll have some fun today without argument

Bro 2: nah bruh Isaac just pulled up he’s about to ruin any chance at a chill class

by The Spitter of Facts March 2, 2020


An Isaac is someone who's back goes straight to their legs(So he has no booty). An Isaac can often be found eating leaves, setting bags of shit on fire and putting them on people's doorstep, and wanking to images of shrek or his sister.

Ew Why is isaac beating his meat to his family photo?

by Ishitmypantsandateityummo July 23, 2020


he has a 12 inch cock and gets the most pussy out of everybody alive, very sexy and everyone wants to be his friend

Hey Isaac, want to go out?

by Funxy April 5, 2021


A guy/man who puts his coloured pencil in any sharpener.

A woman that let’s any coloured pencil in their sharpener.

Someone who sleeps with anything that breathes.

He’s such an Isaac.
Don’t go out with him, he’s probably got diseases from fucking anything with a vagina on a daily. He’s just being an Isaac

by Xxdomxx August 1, 2018


Isaac is the craziest person you will ever meet. When you first get to know him, he is a stoic and quiet gentleman who is very respectful and responsible. After a little while, he will constantly attack you and have intense coughing fits. He also has a nasty habit of putting every single food item into the fridge, even if it isn't meant to. He is a very scary person and isn't afraid to ruin your life.
In other words, he is BREAD.

I met Isaac yesterday, and now I am addicted to watching the Muppets Movie.

by Isaac Bellwether June 5, 2022


Someone who likes to laugh and have fun. Isaac is someone who likes to fuck around a lot with different women, a lot of times doesn’t want to mention the high body count.

Woman: Steve is fun and sweet but I want someone like Isaac.

by allstar_starter March 20, 2023