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Long Islander

Some of the greatest people around. People who have everyhting they will ever need or want in their reach.

I would like to see a few Long Islanders tear Brokelynguy a new asshole...

by LongIs September 9, 2004

70👍 77👎

Faroe Islands

A unique, remote island culture in the North Atlantic, where widespread inbreeding has lowered IQs, making it difficult to convince residents that dolphins are not actually fish and that jet skis and power boats were probably not part of the tradition of Viking hunting practice hundreds of years ago. The consumption of apex predators such as dolphins by Faroe Islanders makes matters worse as the high levels of Mercury and other heavy metals damage the already overworked central nervous system

Normal Man: “Where are you from?”
Faroe man “Faroe Islands”
Normal Man: “Ah, so you kill dolphins as there’s nothing else to do on your 18 cold wet islands/rocks other than sleeping with your sister?”
Faroe man “it’s traditional to eat the fish
Normal Man: “Hats off to your mother for marrying your brother”

by Klaus Von Copenhagen September 30, 2021

11👍 9👎

cunt island

often abbreviated to just "CI", cunt island is a place where cunts go or can be found, often in mass groups. if one were to be looking for a group of people who could be labeled as "cunts" or wanted to classify someone with the traits of a cunt, they could put them in this group.

"That guy cut me off! Oh, he must live on Cunt Island"

"I hear there's a luau tonight on Cunt Island, i bet that stupid guy is going"

by readytoluau25 June 14, 2008

10👍 7👎

Pacific Islanders

Pacific Islanders consist of Polynesians, Micronesians, Melanesians. They are big, strong, fast, skinny, buff,and many more. They are known for playing many sports especially rugby🏉Their culture is amazing and fun to learn about. They care a lot about their families and will do anything for them🤞Pacific Islanders can be scary if you mess with them and make them mad but other than that they are very friendly.

Pacific Islanders are friendly when they want to be!

by You don’t need to know🤣 July 17, 2018

13👍 7👎

Staten Island

The shit hole of NYC. A place that is an embarrassment to the rest of New York and we admittedly want to give it away to New York's bastard son, New jersey. However, not even Jersey wants it. Its only connection to NY is through the Verazzano Bridge which connects Bay Ridge to SI. Most of the people are Rich white guido types like in Bay Ridge but the Brooklyn kids are cooler because they arent from SI. Most of the SI kids pretend they are from Brooklyn because they are embarrassed of it themselves. No one has any reason to ever go to SI.

Gumba Johnny: Yo, where you from?
Staten Island thug: Bay Ridge Brooklyn on Main street dawg!!! hOLLLLAA
Gumba Johnny: That street doesnt exist in Bay ridge, you're from Staten Island arent you?
Staten Island thug: shit! dammit...yeah...

by BKBOY February 1, 2007

55👍 59👎

island monkey

A Racial Slur Against Puerto Ricans.

Carlita - you aint nothin but a jungle baby

Tyrone - fuck you, you Island Monkey.

by Jay'Ron November 15, 2007

31👍 29👎

staten island

a place where about 15 people out of the entire population think. kids in staten iland all look the same and if you have an above 50 average people think you're a nerd. even if you are 400 pounds and are the ugliest kid ever you will get as many girls as you want if you 1. spike your hair 2. where a northface jacket 3. are italian 4. are stupid 5. wax your eyebrows. everyone thinks they are in the mafia and thinks they are from the street even though they are all rich as hell.

i went to an ice skating rink in staten island once with a friend, and we were literally the only guys there without spiked hair and a northface jacket, i'm not kidding

by lavalamper August 23, 2006

49👍 52👎