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Justin Beiber

A nearly male version of Miley Cyrus. Canadian. Wanna-be gangster who acts like Usher is his best friend. Fans of his are usually 7 year old Disney fan-girls.

"Justin Beiber is a disgrace to Canada"

by Snape loves you January 25, 2010

2363πŸ‘ 1117πŸ‘Ž

justin pierce

a good actor who was in kids,next friday and others his life was going well until he was found dead in his hotel room he had hung himself

RIP Justin pierce u will be missed.

by Jcoke April 4, 2006

23πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Justin Hawkins

Lead-singer of the greatest rock band appeared since the 80s. NOT camp although might appear so. Extremely talented, with a great voice, lovely outfits......and deliciously sweeeeeeeeeeet.....oh jesus....

I wanna kiss you every minute every hour everyday.....

by CatherineInRock January 8, 2004

60πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

justin kim

Justin Kim is a great and loyal friend. Typically dark haired and is athletic. Likes to play Basket ball and is good at keeping secrets. Justin Kim is usually shy when you first meet him but when you get to know him he’s an amazing guy that will make you laugh all day long.

Person 1: wow that guy loves to play basketball he plays it all day and night!

Person2: that must be a Justin Kim

Person 1: *dying of laughter*
Person 2: lemme guess justin Kim made you laugh

by Anonymous billy August 1, 2019

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Justin Haircut

A a justin Haircut is a Haircut where that you get messed up so badly, you look like aang from avatar

Boy you got that justin haircut

by Nutt Ass Haircut September 27, 2023

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Justin Hawkins

Lead singer of The Darkness, the UK's most successful rock act of the early '00s.

Camp, but still a great musician with a lot of talent.

"I believe in a thing called love"

by DaveIII October 17, 2003

54πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

justin beiber

a 15 year old who is secretly a 9 year old girl and doesnt hid it well who never should have gotten signed to be in music

1: he did you hear about justin beibers secret

2: no

1: he's secretly a 9 year old girl
2: dude that was never a secret

by taytay1293 February 13, 2011

132πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž