bhang, benj, boo, bud, buddha, cannabis, cheeba, choof, daccha, dank, devil's lettuce, djamba, doobage, dope. endo, gage, ganja, ganj, grass, green, greenery, hash, hashish, hemp, herb, Mary Jane, MJ, marihoochie, marijuana, Mary Joanna, method, mezz, muggle, mull, pot, puff, reefer, sensimillia, sensimilla, shit, sweetleaf, tea, Texas tea, trees, twig, wacky tobaccy, weed, yarndie, zombie, chronic, dagga, Indian hemp, kind bud. kush, purple haze, schwag, Thai stick, recreational drug, tetrahydrocannabinol, THC, marijuana cigarette
Bryan Kelly enjoyed using that Jazz Cactus.
Music micro genre that is inherently jazzy but sounds rubbish in your typical jazz club because of its expansiveness
Herb: "Hey what genre is Egg Tooth by Ephemerals? I heard them play it at Sunset Sunside in Paris and it sounded terrible compared to the album"
Suede: "Yeh that one's gonna be stadium jazz if you ask me."
Music micro genre that is inherently jazzy but sounds rubbish in your typical jazz club because of its expansiveness.
Herb: "Hey what genre is Egg Tooth by Ephemerals? I heard them play it at Sunset Sunside in Paris and it sounded terrible compared to the album."
Suede: "Yeh that one's gonna be stadium jazz if you ask me."
A type of jazz that mainly took form in 1940-50 France, combining American jazz/blues harmony and improvisation with gypsy (Romani) rythms and approaches and different instruments. Generally played with gypsy guitars or classical guitars, upright bass, violin, clarinet, drums, accordeons, traditional percussions and singers. The most famous and genre-defining gypsy jazzmen is Django Reinhardt.
Nuages and Minor Swing are awesome gypsy jazz songs
Man let’s do a gypsy jazz jam.
Gypsy jazz guitar players are the best guitarists on earth.
(v.) the act of faking an injury to get out of something you don't enjoy
Person 1: Man, I really hate playing soccer. The team is full of douches.
Person 2: Dude, just pull a jazz band and get out of it.
Jazz, when someone is over exaggerating a situation.
“Smh. The jazz bruh”
I was with jess last night and he jazzed the whole whole story.
Being Cross faded consisting of 2 or more drugs/narcotics
Get jazz tonight
I was so jazzed
This bitch was jazzing