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jupe Joint

A cool or trendy hang out. It usually doubles as a reputable restaurant or cafe in the daytime. And a bar, nightclub, or after hours spot at night.

Jazz turns into a Jupe Joint after 9pm.

by K9Rod January 30, 2024

Trash Joint

A marijuana cigarette after it has been accidentally discarded, then rescued from a garbage can and transformed into a unique culinary experience with flavor notes of whatever food it encountered in trash.

Bob normally would have just rolled another joint, but he had to spark that trash joint after Mary practically climbed in the garbage can for the rescue.

by Pyraites September 24, 2023

joe joint

ridiculously small joints that you always seem to burn ur fingers on
usually about .4g in it

Fuck i just burned my hand on that joe joint


by ma.rson November 4, 2007

Coochie Joint

The thin roll of left-over toilet paper that develops when a moist or dry coochie is wiped with toilet paper and is stuck in a coochie crease. It will typically dry up and fall in panty liner. Not uncommon to be be seen by personal wax lady. It happens most often with 2-ply toilet paper.

"Damn girl, that pussy be smokin'. Look at all those coochie joints."
"Hey babe, do I have cotton mouth? Or is it your coochie joint."
"I asked my wax lady, are those white pubes on that wax strip. She said, no, those are your coochie joints."

by Retinuh chic 69 January 14, 2025

Blood Joint

A collection of marihuana thats consits of one's own personal stash, and is obtained from a source of known violence, much like a blood diamond. This phrase can only be used within unison of a joint styled form of smoking.

Much more vague varieties can be used for same effect: blood pot, blood tree, blood choad, blood blunt, etc, ...

"Yo! I just rolled this fuckin' joint with some shittly doo da mexican herb! Want some, you butt-plug?" -Anonymous

"Na, I don't want none of your shitty Blood Joint, you shit-headed ass clown." -You

by ProphetOfTheGoat October 20, 2011

Geometric Joint

A joint rolled with detailed and synergistic reliance on fractal geometry and LaGrange multipliers. Also known as "fractal joint."

One end of the joint is (theoretically) infinitely large and the other end (theoretically) achieves nothingness through complex geometrical scaling equations that are too long for me to go into right now.
Volume of marijuana vis a vis length should probably not exceed 7 m/s^2, but whatever, you know, play it by ear. Must have at least one corner.

Hells ya yo i just talked to miles he's planning a fuckin geometric joint its gonna be legit as balls

by TaquitoIsATerribleName April 19, 2011

Double jointed fresh balls


Double jointed fresh balls taste like a hee hee

by Littledred8 March 25, 2022