When a group of gay dudes (usually cav scouts) all take a shit in one toilet without flushing and leave it. All the semen and turds float on top making it look like a log pond at a mill.
Aw damn, I have to clean the latrines?? They left a fucking log pond in there Sergeant!
To log out and log back into a service you are already signed into. This is done by many online communities, generally to reset or refresh the connection in some way, but possibly to switch users. The term is used for various services which require a login, such as secured web pages, gaming services, instant messaging, and back-end server administration via SSH.
Whenever I get annoyed at a n00b, I re-log as my smurf account to pwn them without causing problems for my main character.
A penis which is extremely raw due to excessive masturbation.
The student tried to focus on his sex-ed class work, but winced at the slightest brush of clothes against his burnt log.
Talking a shit whilst wearing a thong effectively cutting the shit down the middle.
Betty was so drunk last night I found her hunched over the toilet splitting logs
A bad word for retired people with no smarts and they have a iq of 1
You: you’re a log mate
Other person: what does that even mean brother
The penis of a super predator priest
Come to the rectory Billy. There is a “Divinity Log” there I would like you to see
When you shave your pubes over an unflushed toilet after meatloaf Monday and the hair sticks to the log making it a hairy little man or log in this case.
Husband: honey hey honey come look a this :)
Wife: gerald if you show me your hairy log one more time we’re divorcing.
Husband: :(