(space-deel) – agreement or business transaction made in space
You cannot sell your house on Earth in a space deal because it is not legally binding.
When one offers to bury someone, or something that has wronged you someone. A literal, non literal, or symbolic meaning.
She offered her friend a shovel deal, when she found out her ex exposed her intimate pictures online.Non literal
The killer gave his victim a shovel deal they couldn't refuse. Literal
The result of a negotiation where one party winds up with something of little or no value while the other gains everything they wanted.
"She may have gotten the car, the house, the kids, the holiday home and every penny I had, but at least I got this deal sandwich."
‘Tubby Good Deals’ is a term given to an individual who in short, is tubby (or not so tubby) This term has nothing to do with good deals although it may be used in a transaction with tubby doing a good deal.
Chambers- Areet Ovvy mate, would you like a pint?
The Weekly DeaIs: is an online retail mall that puts consumers favorite retailers at their fingertips... It's a virtual mall, one can visit at home or on the go, and quickly become informed on all the current retail deals.
The Weekly Deals is home to the well informed and bargain hunters of the retail world.
a woman who is in a fbltr relationship with one, and only one, man.
a one-man deal type of woman is better than a cl fuck bunny