aye u think yo OG gon say yes ta me spendin the night?
my OG said no mane.
Short slang for: Original Game.
Person 1: Yooooo, I got the game early! Im a OG player!
Discord mod: what does og stand for my E-girl?
Og stands for obesite goddess, only cool dudes aloud in this club. FAT PEOPLE ONLY xoxo
You : are you and og
Me: yeh n what about it
You: so your fat
Me: pretty much
Original Golan- romanian for "original ruffian" or "original hooligan", country metal band with trap influences.
Man, Erik OG is the true OG.
I whish i'll be an OG when I grow up.
Good, tho not OG level.
Stands for "Old Girl", usually used for a former female student of a highschool. Commonly used in old former british-african highschools.
I recognise that girl, she's an OG of this school.
Used in two different ways, O.G meaning original gangster Or OG meaning original. The way you tell is the different context that it is used for example:
O.G = "Ye bro Tupac was a streight O.G(original gangster)."
OG = "I like how tupac didn't copy everyone else he was so OG(original).