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party man

A really cool guy that is way cooler than Cremzone77

Yo that guy right there must be a party man

by party man833 April 7, 2018

Party Leecher

Someone you don't want to come to your party and purposely don't invite, but that you also don't want to tell they can't come. That person finds out about your party through the grape vine and invites themselves and does inevitably show up. The chance of the party being ruined is also significantly increased by this persons presence.

The Party Leecher calls you a few days or a week before your party to talk about something and then before hanging up says, "So I heard from (insert any name)'s brother that you are having a party. What should I bring?" You've just been, Party Leeched.

Aubs: "The fuck is that faggot doing here? He ruined the party." Jay: "I didn't invite him, he found out from someone else. And I can't tell him he can't come." Aubs: "Classic Party Leecher."

by JJ Sizzles October 27, 2010

Party Tour

Going to multiple parties in a night.

Similar to party hopping, but for when you want to feel superior to the freshmen that use the term.

Friend 1: "Hey let's go party hopping tonight!"
Friend 2: "No party hopping is for freshmen and fags. We're going on a party tour!"

by Third Base March 28, 2010

slime party

An act in which someone cums in the ass of someone and then the corresponding sludge is dispersed on everything and everyone in the room.

Man! Nickelodeon makes me want to get the gang together and have a slime party.

There was a wicked slime party at Arby’s yesterday.

That slime party was fun but I couldnt get clean for days. I still have grool in my hair.

by Cat in the ass July 8, 2018

Piñata Party

A “piñata party” is where a bunch of guys wrap a girl in a Mexican Poncho and smack her in the face with their dicks. The game is over when she gets a nosebleed.

Greg met his wife of 20 years at a Piñata Party where Greg showed up late and unfortunately wasn’t able to get any English behind any of his smacks due to the odd angle he found himself in due to an old softball injury.

by Special Dicklivery August 8, 2019

stripper party

Orignially founded on June 24th at Casablanca 624 in Bloomington, Indiana, this is the biggest party of the Indiana University summer. Now a yearly event, this party is guaranteed to rock your world and you will undoubtedly find yourself in the company of B-Town's most beautiful exotic dancers. To gain entry, bring your singles and make it rain.

Charles: Yo man. Were you at that stripper party last night?
Richard: Yeah dude. That bitch's titties were fine.

Charles: Did you check out the VIP room?
Richard: Yeah, but we can't talk about that here.
Charles: Right, what happens in the attic, stays in the attic.

by Beatrixxx May 19, 2010

Party crasher

A party crasher is a guy that invites himself in a party he isnt even invited to. They usually screw up the whole party. Without party crashers, parties wouldnt be fun anymore.

When theres no more alcohol at a party, what you need is a party crasher to entertain you.

by Zee Dogg May 27, 2007

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