Source Code

alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu nu xi omicron pi rho sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega

basically the full greek alphabet

person 1: do you know greek?
person 2: alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu nu xi omicron pi rho sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega.
person 1: you are good at greek!

by Phu The Writer May 9, 2022

5👍 1👎

Wokie Pi

When the number π is aware of injustice and discrimination against other fellow mathematical constants that have not got the same opportunity or media coverage as her, but she is indifferent to all that because speaking up and out about these issues or biases is not to her benefit.

Wokie pi doesn’t want to rock the mathematical boat that has ferried her to so many areas of interest patronized by mathematicians and math educators.

by Numerati December 25, 2024

pi boar

A substitution for the word "pry bar", but can also be used for anything else.

Jeff, where's my pi boar? I can't get any leverage!

by qbertidiot April 23, 2008

Person Pi

Due to being an irrational number, Person π is irrational, everyone that doesn't have a regular number in them is either irrational or not irrational at all

Person i: I'm back to destroy the average Urban Dictionary user's brain to make them make definitions of words composed of things about sex!
Person Pi: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028...
Person i: They have already done that themselves apparently...
Person e: 2.718281828459045…
Person ɸ: They can't, they're too dumb

by Dalmut Brothers September 9, 2024

Cook up a few Pies

To cook up a few pies, is to get a few moisty’s on the go, is to collect honey from the hive…. You get it.

‘Let’s go to the clubs and cook up a few pies

‘She was super into it, I was cooking a few pies for sure’

Hey check those hotties, shall we go over and cook up a few pies?’

by Black-Scholes Shoes February 20, 2022


Really cool and everything but please stop doing that weird car draw all over the city it makes me uncomfortable and they don't even look that cool to do tHAt amount of draws

Pi por favor para de hacer dibujos y cómeme la boca ya

by pedropachecopiss November 24, 2021


British slang. Short for “pious.”

‘“Oh goodness no,” Guy would say—“Anthony’s holding out for canonization!” Anthony was rather pi.’

(Miranda Carter, Anthony Blunt: His Lives (quoting Jackie Hewit)

by Dictionary Johnson July 16, 2023