If you are here, you are probebly bored so you googled qwertyuiopasdfgjklzxcvbnm and went to urban directory
hey im bored lets type qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
This is an example of what the average 5th-8th grader types into either a search engine or their unfinished essay/assignment to keep themselfs from becoming bored to death.
I am typing qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm because I can't do anything else
usually you'd type this cause you're bored to death. you probablly have to do some stupid homework or dumb project, but we all know that nobody wants to do...
When your so bored and you're supposed to do computer homework but you just time in all the letters on your keyboard.
Jeff: I'm bored
kyle: me too.
kyle: let's type all the letters of our keyboard
jeff: ok
an occurance that appears when a person is bored to death seek entertainment ASAP if you find yourself typing this