Source Code

spam butterfly

A ladyยดs hole

Cunt/vagina/axe wound/spaz hole/beef curtains/box/saddle bags/

by Geoff January 25, 2004

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spam dagger

Meat weapon found in the land of the big purple dribbling heads!!!

do u want to fight with my spam dagger?

by Andy December 15, 2003

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Spam stands for...

S stuff
P posing
A as
M meat

hey dude did you know spam is like suff posing as meat?

by Caleb Strong May 22, 2005

1๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

hole spam

From UT
To mindless blast at doorways, openinsg and portals, hoping to get lucky and frag some poor fuck. A noob tactic.

That little shitbag caught 39 frags just by hole spamming

by MaHaBone January 29, 2004

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Keyboard Spam

A keyboard spam is when someone smashes random letters on their keyboard, whether it be via mobile, desktop, or otherwise. Most of the time, keyboard spams have no literal connotation, they're just... Well, spams.
Someone could keyboard spam for various reasons. I, personally, keyboard spam when one of my friends says something that makes my brain go "alkajskahsuejsbsjd." But you could also spam out of frustration, excitement, speechlessness, embarrassment, or just pure boredom.
Keyboard spams can be followed by or placed after sentences (coherent or not), or just by themselves.

*Keyboard spam example: Flustered*
Friend 1: "Thanks, Darling. :)"
Friend 2: "akhekshrkegjevrj WHAG DID YOU JUST CALL ME"

*Keyboard spam example: Boredom*
Friend 1: "I'm bored.
Friend 2: "kssjebsjshdje"
Friend 1: "Same bro, same."

by bug boy June 21, 2022

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Spam bots


Spam bots "Click of this dubious link and or call this mysterious number. I'm not going to rob you. I swear. Yeah I know I only have one subscriber and the account has only existed for a week. But you can trust me."

Hym "Eeehhhhh.... No. If anyone wanted to get a hold of me they would add me on Facebook. Why would I fall for that? Why would I even think for a second that was real? Go away. You're annoying."

by Hym Iam August 1, 2022

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orc spam

The art of combining your SHs and OPs to achieve a multitude of Orcish battalions and Catas to rush your enemy and defeat them to the point of gg

im gonna orc spam yo ass elf nub

by 4d and max June 27, 2006

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