We got druggies,sluts bitches,fuckboys, you name it. We can’t go one day without a drug bust. Honestly we are just a fucking joke.
*drops baton* @spring branch middle school
24👍 2👎
This is a prison run by Timmy Shae. Want to go piss? Well u can’t the bathrooms are locked. Goon crew smh.
gearhart knows everything
(Spring Hill high school)
17👍 1👎
dripping springs high school is basically a trump rally on a daily basis we got red necks, hicks and cousin fuckers just west of austin. you think it wouldn’t be that bad, but you’re very wrong. the other side of people here are wanna be gangsters and all they care about is smokin weed, drinking and what party everyone’s going to this weekend. if you think you’re coming to a chill diverse school you are very wrong there’s about 5 black kids here and every bitch wants to start drama. DON’T MOVE HERE
chris: “i heard dripping springs high school kids will pay $20 for a gram”
blake: “holy shit dude let’s go sell to them”
25👍 2👎
A place where hoes can run freely with their asses hanging out. A place where the vapers have the best lounges. A place where the small dick boys can have endless freshmen girls. A place I call home. Bronco pride for life. You’re favorite vape snatcher -Timmy Shae HOOHAA
Spring Hill High School is gas
15👍 1👎
The worst play ever made. Girls like it, and so do gay guys.
Tim: Hey let's see spring awakening?
John: Helllllll no! Are you gay now?
Tim: Yes
12👍 514👎
Desert Hot Springs is a small town of a population of 26,000 and have the highest crime rate in California for a small town/city. With a gang member population over 1000. Dhs is home of the W/S 12 st Hussla Crips is an African American gang, E/S 132 Mafia Boy Crips is an African American gang, True Crime Boyz are a Mexican/Mexican American gang, West Drive Locos are a Mexican/Mexican American gang, Brown Town Locos are a Mexican/Mexican American gang Coachella Valley Criminals are a Mexican/Mexican American gang.
Desert Hot Springs Gangs are an prodigy of poorest town in Riverside County. 12 st originated in the 90's as 12 st Hussla are now converted to Crips they are allies with the Mafia Boyz Crips and rivals with Gateway Crips,bloods, West Drive Locos and Brown Town Locos. Mafia Boy Crips originated in the early 2000 and lost there numbers due to gang injunctions. They are allies with 12 st husslas,Moreno Valley gangs and rivals with Gateway Crips and bloods. West Drive Locos originated in the 90's they have ties to the Mexican Mafia and are rivals with the 12 st Hussla Crips, Gateway Crips, True Crime Boyz, Brown Town Locos, Coachella Valley Criminals.
86👍 17👎
A small village in upstate New York that is filled with a distinct smell of sulfur and dead bodies from daily sacrifices villagers take part in everyday at noon. This village is filled with corrupt police, angry inbred villagers that love causing riots, and roads that lead to nowhere.
Whatever you do, visit Sharon Springs, New York. It is a lovely place to live.