Source Code

it's about drive it's about power we stay hungry we devour put in the work put in the hours and take whats ours

the rock line haha funny lolllllllllllllllll the rock wok eyebROW

it's about drive it's about power we stay hungry we devour put in the work put in the hours and take whats ours is my favrioute part of face off

by dradekon December 21, 2021

14👍 3👎

Other people wouldn't stay Other people don't obey You and me are both the same You should really run away

this confirms that this song is being sung from the perspective of Billie’s abuser. it explains the tone of the song, and completely changes the way you look at it. Lines like “If you find it hard to swallow, I can loosen up your collar, ‘Cause, as long as you’re still breathing, Don’t you even think of leaving” make it very overwhelmingly clear that this is the perspective Billie is portraying

Also, while some people think the Spotify interview thing from the lyric version disproves this, it just doesn’t. She says the song was made to be “insane live”, not a fun song in terms of concept. She said she was going through crazy feelings at the time and you’d understand if you looked at the lyrics, but doesn’t say what the feelings were. On an album where Billie is venting about her trauma, a song like this would have no place in the project. I don’t know how she could have made this more obvious then by saying me and you are both the same


yeah man, Other people wouldn't stay Other people don't obey You and me are both the same You should really run away

by MrTrueFactTeller September 1, 2021

9👍 1👎

It's about drive 🚗 it's about power ⚡WE STAY HUNGRY 😋 WE DEVOUR 🍽️ put in the work 🏋️put in the hours 🕐 and take what's ours (OOH!) Black ⚫ and Samoan 🇼🇸 in my veins, my culture banging 💥 with strange ❔I change the game 🕹️ SO WHAT'S MY MOTHERFUCKIN NAME?

It's about drive 🚗 it's about power ⚡WE STAY HUNGRY 😋 WE DEVOUR 🍽️ put in the work 🏋️put in the hours 🕐 and take what's ours (OOH!) Black ⚫ and Samoan 🇼🇸 in my veins, my culture banging 💥 with strange ❔I change the game 🕹️ SO WHAT'S MY MOTHERFUCKIN NAME?

Hey man It's about drive 🚗 it's about power ⚡WE STAY HUNGRY 😋 WE DEVOUR 🍽️ put in the work 🏋️put in the hours 🕐 and take what's ours (OOH!) Black ⚫ and Samoan 🇼🇸 in my veins, my culture banging 💥 with strange ❔I change the game 🕹️ SO WHAT'S MY MOTHERFUCKIN NAME?


by Areyman45 December 11, 2021

56👍 36👎

Stay Carbon

To fit in or be like someone else.

Stop being so different bro, stay carbon.

by Koolkidz0nly February 12, 2018

national stay at home day

June 4th
Today is National Stay at Home Day! This means you do not have to go to work, school, or even leave the house.

"Ay yo, today is National Stay at Home Day, where are you going?"

"Well I was gonna go to work but not anymore!"

by handle_old June 4, 2022

Stay saucy

Staying saucy / stay saucy means to love life, be cheeky, have fun, keep smiling. Plus it sounds cool

Pal:See ya pal, stay safe
You :you too boi, stay saucy

by Azzatrucker March 25, 2021

normal stays normal

As one aspect stays constant, other aspects will have no reason to change and therefore will not.

"The Knicks suck, why aren't we making any moves?"
"As they say, "normal stays normal"

by henjamindavis March 3, 2019