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stone radge

Something that is extremely amazing, shocking, crazy or mental (not in the psychological sense). 'Stone' being used to emphasise (as in very) the word 'radge', used in this context as incredible

Aye, that wee blonde piece goat er tits oot last night for the lads; it was stone radge man!

by landofnor November 2, 2010

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Stone Wood

An apartment complex where kid’s get stoned all day, Also referred to as Ghetto Wood.

Hey, let’s go to Stone Wood today so we can get stoned?

by xoxoxosecretxoxoxo July 11, 2008

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

vaginal stone

It is any rock or stone that may be used for clitoral stimulation.

"I'm feeling horny."
"Let me find a good vaginal stone, ya dig?"

by JThick November 18, 2009

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Rosetta Stoned

When you are so high you think you can understand another language when reading the subtitles of a foreign film

After an evening of hot boxing the abandoned car the guys gather around to watch Paprika.

Conor: Holy shit guys! I can speak Japanese!

Aaron:... what?! No, dude your just rosetta stoned!

by Chief Blazin Buffalo May 8, 2010

57πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

rolling stone

A rolling stone is basically a hoe, they go with a lot of people

Camrien: Aye Ty I talk to a lot of dudes, which one should I choose?
Ty: Girl I don't know but you a rolling stone frfr

by Jayx October 10, 2013

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Shea Stone

Shea is a soft e girl who probably secretly watches anime constantly. She is actually suuuuuuper funny but has so many Xbox friends πŸ™„ jk jk she’s pretty nice. Also she’s obsessed w the tibzanata

Oh ya Shea stone I know her she was in my Xbox party last night

by β€œTHAT” person October 25, 2019

Set in stone

(pertaining to holidays) A promise that absolutely will not be broken, unless it was only made verbally by management, in which case it turns out the fuckers are guaranteed to change it.

You know those holiday dates? You can take them as set in stone.

... about those holidays you booked... you're going to have to come in those days, I don't give a shit what you think.

by ochrann January 10, 2020