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college kids

Stereotypical students who are universally similar. They listen to music like dave matthews band and Bloc party, like pizza, drink alcohol frequently, wardrobe consists of event T-shirts, flip flops, "aged and worn" jeans, are exceedingly technology saavy, watch shows like entourage, family guy, chapelle's show, south park and the like, frequently have drunken one-night stands, many males resort to experimental goatees and haircuts, often spend many of their days lounging around eating low level foods like ramen noodles and mac and cheese recovering from drinking binges.

"American Pie 2 really captured the essence of college kids."

by IDBFTW August 15, 2007

102πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Kid Rock

A mixed up artist who doesn't know if he wants to do rap, rock, or country.

by Anonymous February 13, 2003

717πŸ‘ 207πŸ‘Ž

Reddit kid

The kid that wears Skechers and a sonic tee and is a certified sniper

"Yo bro you hear about the Reddit kid screaming big chungus in the bathroom"

by Thatonekid in thecorner January 12, 2021

33πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Tree kids

1. Typically the word tree kid is used to describe those weirdos that hang out and talk about anime or are super socially awkward

2. Can be used ironically to make fun of your friend

3. Always talking about some weird shit

Example: Hentai, killing theirselves, tentacle sex, etc.

4. Most likely to shoot up the school

5. Naruto runs through the halls with their 20 pound Example: *friend says something cringey (rawr XD)*

"Stop being such a treekid"

Example of tree kids:
*friend says something cringey such as...*
"Give me those rare memes daddy rawr XD"
"Stop being such a tree kid"

by AllTheUserNamesIWantAreTaken#2 March 10, 2017

26πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

kid selfish

In a state of being selfish and/or hardheaded; one-track minded; ungrateful.

Until you stop being kid selfish about my money, I'm taking your cell phone for collateral.

by Mr. Terrence L. Trezvant October 2, 2006

31πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Vampire kid

A douche bad kid who thinks its fun to dress in black. They are straight-A preppy retards who think its cool to vaguely dress like a goth kid. They can be seen meeting in the woods listening to hannah montana under the full moon drinking a red liquid (not blood) in a chalice of some sort. They try to be dark but usually end up making goth kids look bad.

Goth: Hey is that kid trying to be goth?!?
Other goth: No hes "Vamp"
Goth: ...douche.
Vampire kid: Hey light up guys were just as dark as you maybe even DARKER.
Goth kid: Do you even smoke??
Vamp kid: No of course not smoking is bad for you!!!
Goth kid: *slams head on table*

by Pan!c December 23, 2008

90πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

ROTC kids

Absolutely badasses is what they think of themself. In reality they are 5’4” and 102 pounds who barely bench the 45 pound bar. Half of the kids are using the program as a last chance to make friends and the other half are using it to get into military because they are too dumb to get into college. They all are the most patriotic kids on campus and act like they fought wars for the US.

Dude look at IAN BURRIS he’s such a pussy
JROTC kids be like I got war next period

by sdfootball1119 December 11, 2019

54πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž