Alcoholics who are always out on the piss. Constantly on the sauce having pints and partying . Sauce mechanics might involve the opposite sex using some love.
You're such a sauce mechanic you are my inspiration.
Extreme and unbridled enthusiasm, friendliness and hospitality with regard's to one's guests, especially concerning crashing on one's couch.
"We went up the hill to Nathan's the other night to watch the game and drink a few brewskies - afterwards he practically forced Corey, Ryan and I to stay the night on his comfy couch rather then walk all the way back down. What sauce-pitality!"
The mixture of vaginal fluids when two women have intercourse
After Tammy and Sally were finished scissoring there were tremendous amounts of dyke sauce on the sheets.
The Act Of Finishing Inside Your Girl Before She Tells You She's On Her Period Creating "The Secret Sauce"
A Savage Guy- Ay Bruh, Emily Was On Her Period Last Night.
Friend- Damn Sorry To Hear That .
A Savage Guy- Yeah I Know Dude, When I Pulled Out After I Finished The Secret Sauce Was Everywhere!
The most excellent. Unparalleled. The beat shit.
That guitar player is so amazing, he is the marijuana sauce!
true, no joke, no kidding, not kidding, true spit, no J/K
Dude, you stink! Serious Sauce! go take a shower!
Canberry Sauce – noun – a jellied cranberry-based condiment sometimes served with holiday dinners, which contains no physical reference to cranberries whatsoever, beyond color and flavor. Connoisseurs of Canberry Sauce are keenly aware that the canberry sauce slices containing the imprints from the top or bottom of the can are the most flavorful.
Would you like a slice of canberry sauce with your Turducken? Or do you want the lumpy stuff with seeds and stems?
Mom! I totally called the bottom slice of the canberry sauce!