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table fox

This would be a man or woman, (usually a woman), who is very attractive while sitting down at a table, but when they get up they reveal an ass the size of Cleveland...

"What do you think of that girl over there with Cindy?"

"Total Table Fox; she got up to go to the bathroom and knocked over two tables"

"Too bad, great from the waist up"

by IrishMike February 28, 2008

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Sliver fox

A handsome gentlemen. . . With a distinguished look.

Example George Clooney is a sliver fox

by DollfaceChick22 November 15, 2016

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Charley Fox

Military Speak for the term Cluster Fuck

The situation in Iraq is a total Charley Fox

by CFRowe December 19, 2006

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Fox Mommy

Another way of mentioning the Touhou character Ran Yakumo.

"what the fuck"

by the real gordon freeman December 27, 2022

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trolly fox

Walking around with one or more people with no particular goal, having a great time just being together. Usually accompanied by lots of laughter. Going out and having a good time.

This phrase was started by my Father for my sister and I. He would see us heading out to eat or shop, or just go out and he would use the phrase. My sister and I would ask each other if we wanted to go out and trolly fox. If Daddy was in a extreme funny mood he would say "folly boxing".

It meant going out and having the best time, laughing and doing a whole bunch of nothing.

Are you two girls going trolly foxing?

Hey, lets go trolly fox.

by RieLaine March 11, 2014

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joslyn fox

An amazing drag queen whof was on season 6 of Rupaul's drag race and is the best of the best she is gorgeous

Joslyn Fox is jus the best!
Oh I know right, keep it foxy wah wah

by joslyns-muse January 12, 2015

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Fox Doctor

A furry that happens to be insanely good at pleasuring his/her significant other.

Wow! Look at her! She's 100% a Fox Doctor

by stellargd April 21, 2020

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