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Landing strip

A thing rectangular shape cut into the pubic hair of your lower region

I didn’t need directions to her pussy the landing strip directed me right away

by The_Milk_Man6996 December 8, 2018

Strip District Funk

An all-around displeasure with the sights, sounds and smells of the Strip District. Two-headed pigeons, dog shit and burnt coffee smells.

James was overwhelmed by the strip district funk and passed out on the sidewalk in front of the ghetto meat shop.

by bigmammashouseofsoul January 21, 2009

grease strip

A road containing a multitude of fast food restaurants in close proximity.

I'm running down to the grease strip for a big Mac and fries and then a blizzard from DQ. Can I get you anything?

by Marvinthegoose April 18, 2022

Barren Strip of Skin

Area of shaved skin between a mans anus and grundel.

Ichabod's barren strip of skin was inflamed by the reoccuring crabs.

by katharsis April 19, 2009

Them Strips

When you get stripes from a worn out zebra whos been doing to many 8 balls
Doesnt know a thing or two about soul connections

Person1: wow you fell in love with a baby boomer and now you gon die
Person2: i know i guess somehow i earned them strips

by Musicalsoup September 28, 2019

Breath Strips

Kentucky fried chicken water fried mc donald arbys dairy queen samich light clorox

Those Breath Strips Tasted Bad

by Bean Boi June 7, 2022

Beggin Strip

Someone who is constantly asking for something, has their hand out, or crying the blues for pity.

Always asking for something, what a Beggin Strip !

by DiizNutz January 21, 2023