Think of something funny and/or misfortunate to happen to someone you dislike, then look at them and say the words"I curse you."
Examples include causing the chicken from one's meal to vanish, or reversing the direction of one's gravitational pull.
"You can't do that or I'll curse you!"
"I'm sorry about when you both met Asher in the parking lot, he was wrong not to give you that money."
"That's why I Tiny Cursed him!"
Pretty much Nick in a nutshell. It's exactly how it sounds.
Wow... Nick is such a fucking Tiny Dick Slave lmao
The term used to refer to kids and short people; Kids and short people
Look at all those tiny tina's over there.
A very very very very small penis
Wow that’s a Micro Micro Micro Really Tiny Penis.
Tiny woman or The tiny woman refers to a woman that is extremely tough and strong despite her small size.
Friend: Hey what are you doing this Friday?
Me: I'm going out with a Tiny woman
Friend: Damn bro, you better be careful!
It's me! You're looking right at it!
Shit she is a tiny stupid ballsy unit! RESPECT!