When you only want to fuck and leave.
I met this girl last night but I only wanted to smash and dash because she cray cray
When you fuck someone and flee the scene. You DO NOT talk to them again or hangout with them. You were just in it for the pussy or dick
Noah: ima smash and dash this bitch
Tyler: bet you should she’s a milf
The act of smashing and dashing
Damnit i just got smash and dash again
when a guy or girl fucks the acts like they never met the other after breaking up wit that person
you know that guy i met? well he pulled a smash and dash on me
Getting head from a prostitute and running away after you finish so you don't have to play. Similar to dine and dash
Yo Kris totally just dome and dashed that bitch. That's why they gotta get paid before they go down...
In escort prostitution, a variation on the "cash and dash" scam.
A "cash and dash" provider accepts payment (as discreetly handing a call girl an unmarked cash-filled envelope up front is typical in the hobby) but then immediately bails out and leaves without providing any service.
The "dance and dash" scam is similar - some token "service" is provided which has nothing to do with what was advertised or what the client thought was being advertised.
The client thinks "full-service escort" means sex, the vendor suddenly decides (after taking the money) that no, it means one minute of hip-hop dancing followed by a beeline for the door. That's dance and dash.
In cash and dash, the client doesn't even get that much.
The so-called "escort review boards", despite their serious faults (such as being funded by ads from the very providers the users purport to "review") should be able to provide at least a heads-up if a serial cash-and-dash or dance-and-dash scheme is being operated by one individual local provider. These people change working names and contact info frequently, but patience for what is basically out-and-out fraud is limited.
The situation that develops when a great deal of lint collects on your car's dash due to a lack of cleaning.
Dude, Armor All would take care of the serious flannel dash that you have in your car.