A large number of Facebook status posted in a short period of time about a particular event shortly after the event occurred.
The announcement of a school system closing due to inclement weather brought on a status wave on Facebook.
State of being, after large amounts of alcohol have been consumed and one feels "flyer than a muh fuggin pelican".
Danni: This party is out of control.
Taiti: I know. PELICAN STATUS!
when people review movies in their facebook status
dude: did you see Kick Ass?
friend: no, but i read hella good status reviews...
bum status A person that says they always broke but have money
Bum status always coming around when you broke but spending money everywhere else bum status
Having achieved the status of ultimate slut. Being epicly nasty.
You know that girl that slept with 6 guys in one night? Yeah. Hoskey status.
When a white boy(or girl) acts like the stereo-typical black person such as the rapper Slim Shady-Eminem. Basically when a white person does something like, spit out a sick rhyme, gets in a gang war, or just acts like someone that's hood also known as a wankster.
Bill: man i popped a cap in his A*s just to shut him up then all the hunnies came a runnin, i took this fine dime home
Malik: Daang, white boy! thats straight shady status!
When someone that has no life sits on facebook and comments on everbodys statuses more than twice. The repeated status commenting is like humping, the same repetitions.
Dante: yo man, i got so annoyed on facebook last night
Tyrone: why man
Dante: because that gurl becky be "Status Humping" me all night...she commented on all my statuses like 7 times each
Tyrone: damn, shes facebook humping like a dog