Long-Dicking / Long-Dicked < verb-adverb>. ; 1) Long-Dicking is , THe act of Showing another player/person up in whatever activity he/she is playing. 2 Long-Dicked is after a player has been embarrassed by another person
Patrick " Long-Dicked" Adam last night at the basketball game when he blocked Adams's last four Shot attempts and won the game.
Patrick was "long-Dicking" Adam the entire game.
It is a type of human poop that when shitted can be measured 12" long and two inches thick. Depending on what you have been eating it may include kernels of corn.
I finally shitted a foot long dump today. It was magnificent. A piece of art.
When something goes wrong, normally due to annoyance; Inspired From the song "6 day war" by Colonel Bagshot
"I missed the train, Long day"
The long 'Oh' is usually used in order to emphasize offense in and caused by people you have never met. Often shouted loudly to cause extra discomfort.
Jim: You know the one thing bigger than my penis?
Joe: Your mom?
Random asshole: OOOOOOHHH!
Jim: That was funny until what's 'is face over there pulled 'The Long 'oh''
A phenomenon called "long description" that happens when you type too many uppercase W's.
A Italian man with a large penis sticking it inside a calzone
Man, Giuseppe surprised me with that long salami