A place on the internet where anything can happen.
Hey, that web site just replaced all my files with porn! I don't know if I should be happy or cry!
A collection of hierarchical web pages related to eachother by content or creator(s). Quality may vary greatly.
"Dear Strong Bad,
I want to start a new website, but I don't have any ideas what to do with for my website. I was wondering if you could give me some ideas for my new website. This website will be cool and I'll e-mail you when I'm done."
Information collected by a person and publicated on internet under the hypertext protocol, that can be viewed with a browser if redirected to the proper URL.
Have you checked the Stile Project web site? Man, it is pretty sick!
(1)a place where people put stuff on the internet so that others may view it
(2)one's own little corner of the internet
A collection of interlinked web pages that makes its owner money by spawning pop-up ads out the shitter.
My dog has a web site. My dick has a web site. My dog's dick has a web site.
a place where useless information is compiled like this one, in hope that you will somehow get sucked into the oblivion (either by accident or searching yourself into it) that is the world wide web
my web site uses esp and mind control to make sad fuckers that stumble upon it enjoy gopher porn! www.dfd3843eeadlkd0934.ca.tv.org.net.com