When you’re struggling to shift a bit of timber, you decide to go for a nice stroll and your inner thighs rub causing friction, redness and get a bit sore.
‘Richard I’ve eaten too much cake and this long walk is giving me fat lad’s chaff!’
Richard replies, ‘it’s okay Larissa, walk it off!’
When you are dating someone and it comes to the point where you are so whipped it defines you. You will do what your significant other wants before they even know they want it. 24/7. You are one with being a Whip Lad
Matt is such a Whip Lad, he will do anything Gabby wants!
The Icelandic Yule Lads are 13 small dwarves that visit you on a day of Christmas. Each one is there to cause trouble in their own specific way.
Sheep-Cote Clod: Harrases sheep but he is caught many times because of his peg legs.
Gully Gawk: Hides in a gully to steal cow’s milk
Stubby: Incredibly short and steals pans to eat the crust of of them
Spoon Licker: Licks all your spoons and is incredibly thin on account of malnutrition
Pot Licker: Steals Leftovers from pots
Bowl Licker: Hides under your bed to then grab your bowl and lick what left in it
Door Slammer: Slams doors at night
Skyr Gobbler: steals and consumes your Skyr
Sausage Swiper: Hides in the rafters and steals your sausages when you turn your back
Window Peeper: Looks through windows with binoculars to search for things to steal
Doorway Sniffer: Has an abnormally large nose which he uses to search for bread
Meat Hook: Uses a hook to steal meat
Candle Stealer: Follows children so he can steal their candles which are actually edible
The Icelandic Yule Lads have caused much mischief this year.
The coming together of top lads to take part in serious lad chat. No hoes must be present.
Eg. When in uni halls, lad meetings may take part in the shower (fully clothed). Whatever is discussed behind shower curtain does not leave.
Confey lads are the maddest cunts in Ireland they are the number 1 gang in Ireland they have shanks by their dicks and they give themselves circumcisions and they fucked up the Lucan lads yup Confey don’t fuck w em gang shit
Confey lads are a different breed