a big nigger who is racist against Irish people
Oh your black? Well your a popcorn Willy simp.
Willy Skladany is the type of guy to drain the broth out of his ramen noodles
When you inject heroin / fent dope into your crotch because you can't find a good vein anywhere else
dougie: i just nodded off willy dope
A Comical expression that blurs the lines of authenticity and fiction, interpretation is encouraged
That song “My Girl Too” was WILLY TRAGIC
A "Long Willy" is basically a big dick.
Person:"I have a long Willy."
Girl:"I like that."
When youre shagging a guy from filbert village and they cannot get it up, due to the high amount of substances in their system (i.e. Drugs, alcohol).
"omg the guy from block e had such a filly willy"