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cash money

A piece of paper that is worth a certain amount of money.

If only I had some cash.

by endoprokid September 11, 2003

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cash money flow

A wad of cash often contains many large bills. Can also be used as saying someone has/obtains massive amouns of money.

Shit did you see that mother fucka's wad, he got the cash money flow.

by MoThaFuCker123456778990 July 14, 2006

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Shit was so cash

A saying used to describe an enjoyable or pleasurable experience.

"Props to letting me bone your sister, Tyrone. Shit was so cash."

by Lunitomb February 14, 2018

9๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

cash money

Not a check, but another form of money that I don't have.

You want some cash money? Go talk to someone else!

by Doco The Magic Dragon and Larry September 8, 2003

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Cash money

money. mostly reffering ta' dollas brotha.

let me borrow 20 bucks, fool. my cash money supply is gizzone.

by christin August 3, 2003

5๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž

sick 4 cash

To be focus from sunup to sundown regeneration,Survival ,growth,overcoming adversity success opportunity to make a lot of money prepared for whatever life throws at you guardianship and good fortune to guide you to success culture rich super rich high networth load out the butt millionaire,billionaire,baller,player ,cougar never broke

SICK 4 CASH will always be prepared to to focus on survival to overcome the regeneration of change how to make money from sunup to sundown to have everyday essentials for life

by sick 4 cash October 26, 2022

sick 4 cash

To be focus from sunup to sundown regeneration,Survival ,growth,overcoming adversity success opportunity to make a lot of money prepared for whatever life throws at you guardianship and good fortune to guide you to success culture rich super rich high networth load out the butt millionaire,billionaire,baller,player ,cougar never broke

Sick 4 cash will never be broken will work even when sleep will dream about success its a culture

by sick 4 cash October 26, 2022