You are nothing less than special. I love the person I am with you. You don’t have to you hide from Aidan who you are you can be yourself and don’t have to worry about getting judged. But the problem about Aidan is he will never no how much you love and care for him bc Aidan is to stubborn. But Aidan is always in his own world just doesn’t relize it either singing or dancing or just quiet. There are moments when we're together where I wish I could make time stop. I can’t spend a day on earth without you. And I can’t imagine loving someone else while you breathe. I love you. Loving you is like wearing my favorite pair of jeans. I can’t be tired of wearing it. I love you and can’t stop loving you. I'm lucky to have Aidan. He’s the best and I love him so much. I love every single thing about him. I want him to know that I really love him. Aidan is also a great friend. Any friend of a Aidan’s knows that he is one of a kind but his actions can sometimes be misunderstood. If you have a Aidan make him feel special. And if you are Aidan, accept it. <3 <3
Guy 1 - who is that idiot over there rolling on the movie theater floor.
Girl 1- are you describing a Aidan Robert
Aidan Nunley is Eazy E’s only white child who is a god. Whoever is Aidan’s girl friend must be lucky af. He is a rapper, actor, and a overall nice guy. Also a depressed human but cool.
Don’t fuck with Aidan Nunley or he will hunt you down.
“Did you see Aidan Nunley’s Story what a cunt.”
Btw the kid died after he said that 💀
If you see this, you probably searched my name, if you are my employer, this is fine, if you aren’t, FUCK YOU
when you search Aidan Burke, FUCK YOU
If you see this you probably searched my name up.
In conclusion, Fuck You
When you search up Aidan Burke, Fuck You
A 13 year old kid who is in middle school.
Aidan Archer Armstrong is in middle school.
Fucking a golden retriever and your dad is joining in and doing the dirty Marcoman.
Aidan: „farts“
Dirty Aidan sexy: fucking joe biden
Quarter Korean menance, weak to tight snatch. Often confused with Kim Jeong
Yo, did you hear Aidan Trump is soft again? He should try jelqing and edgemaxxing