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A close friendship between two straight men who share similar interests and views, to the point where their relationship would be mis-interpreted as romantic from the outsider.

Andy and Vince are such good friends that they are having a Bro-mance.

by AndyCVancouver September 10, 2009

50๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

bro split

A type of weightlifting routine performed by uninformed bros. It consists of separate days for separate body parts. The focus is typically on biceps and chest because those are the only muscles that matter to bros. A typical bro split might consist of Monday (Back/Biceps), Tuesday (Chest/Triceps), Thursday (Shoulders), Friday (Legs (often skipped by bros)). The bros often just do a machine circuit not really having any clue as to what or how they are training. Good form is often hard to find.

Going back to the University gym after the holidays is going to suck with all the frat guys doing terrible bro splits for their new year's resolution, but it should die down after Martin Luther King Day.

by sakau2007 December 27, 2013

181๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bro Language

In order to be a bro you have to be legit. Which would make you brogit. And by being brogit that gives you the right of bro language. Meaning all who are bros will understand you when you substitute the word bro for any other word.

Bro 1--Hey bro, you broin it up this weekend?

Bro 2--Shit bro, fuck ya ! it's gonna be brodacious.

Wanna be a bro and bro me that drink?

(bro language)

by Samantha bro March 5, 2009

39๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bro job

Giving your bro a blow job for a blow job in return

Hey Cole can you give me a bro job.. My girl didn't suck me off today.

by Master Of Juice Taylor April 1, 2015

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A title for a male figure, whose familiarity is that of a brother.

What's up bro-ham?

by KuriKuri September 10, 2008

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Bro Game

Players substitute in the word "bro" in appropriate places (where there is the "o" sound, usually). Score points each time the word is used without the target noticing. Very similar to the cat game.

Players can also just play among themselves to try to show off their skill at using "bro" in the most appropriate places.

Guy: So how's it going at work?
Bro Game Player: You wouldn't believe this! I was supposed to meet with the C-E-Bro of the company to get a bromotion, but there was broad work on the way to work... So I missed my meeting. But I'm broing to try and reschedule.
Guy: *wonders if hearing is OK*

Bro Game Player #1: Let's head down to the cafeteria, they're serving macabroni and cheese today.
Bro Game Player #2: I'm not that hungry, I'll probably just stick with brogurt.

by Brohan Santana November 2, 2008

44๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bro Dust

The mystical substance administered to a fellow male after performing an incredible yet sometimes toolish action (often administered by the act of the rubbing of fingers above another male's head)

Male #1: Dude, I totally salty pirated Mary Margaret last night at the rave!

Male #2: Dude, have some bro dust for that

by Mack Daddy Z November 17, 2008

44๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž