A challenge were you run from a friend. The challenge started because a rapper named kyyng ran from a chiraq goon
Zamir did the kyyng challenge
When a person has done copious amounts of meth and has resulted in damage to the brain and or body
Damn! Whats wrong with that person! Why would one steal from another for drugs? Or what is that person talking about? It all seems like gibberish !
It could be because they are methally challenged
some chicago goons took to social media to make people carry their fire with them at all times. they creep upon people at night or in randomsituations pointing they' gun on 'em and say 'why you lackin'... funny but also ape tier
bruh, why u lackin'? you failed the no lacking challenge
Someone who may be stuck without a vehicle to get around in or not on a bus line.
Joe lost his license. Now he's transportationally challenged.
Actually Cum In Mouth challenge
Timmy: Yooo my mom doing the new toothpaste challenge for tiktok
John: She belong in the streets
When you shit so hard you blow out your asshole (O-ring).
Background: The space shuttle Challenger exploded during take off because of one of the O-rings failing.
After drinking all night and eating those nachos I had a Challenger incident this morning on the toilet.
Typically done by seniors, but any upperclassmen will do. The Freshman Challenge is the act of an upperclassmen (typically male) having sexual intercourse with a freshman (typically female).
A variation on this challenge is how many freshmen one can perform intercourse with in the school year (summer vacation does not count as there are not any official freshmen until the school year begins)
Damn, I think John's trying to do the Freshman Challenge with Amanda!